€3.91 L
Water Vichy St Yorre 33 cl is the mineral water richest in minerals. Its benefits on the form are multiple ...
The minerals of St-Yorre are effective to rehydrate you ...
Large meal ? Day after party? St-Yorre facilitates your digestion, and it is scientifically proven ...
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St. Yorre, mineral water table, the richest in minerals
Mineral Water St. Yorre is the most mineralized water consumer. It derives its mineral strength of the deep earth Auvergne. Following the sources from the Vichy basin, it springs rich in minerals and trace elements it offers for your shape and health.
The composition of the mineral water St Yorre and health-promoting properties are recognized by the Academy of Medicine and the Department of Health.
Its minerals have a positive effect on digestion, muscle excercise but also on rehydration.
Minerals essential to health
Constituents of the body, minerals and trace elements are essential to its proper functioning. They are removed regularly. Losses must be offset by drinking water and a proper diet. The minerals present in water are directly assimilated by the body. Regular consumption of mineral-rich waters and effectively fights against deficiencies.
The leading role of bicarbonate
St. Yorre is rich in bicarbonates.
Bicarbonate is a natural antacid. It is even more relevant today than our modern diet is too acide.Le bicarbonate buffers gastric acidity. Traditionally used to treat upset stomach, bicarbonate is recognized by all experts as an effective antacid for gastric hyperacidity. It also enters into the composition of many drugs.
Muscle, when working, produces lactic acid sometimes responsible for cramps, muscle pain and fatigue. A scientific study showed that St. Yorre, thanks to its anti-acid bicarbonates action facilitates muscle power in athletes. *
Do you know where is the unique taste of St-Yorre?
It is the composition of St. Yorre, rich in minerals, which gives it its unique taste. This is proof that it is active! Each mineral present helps to give a special flavor. St. Yorre water is a character that can not be ignored.
The water temperature is also important. More water is cold to the emergence, plus the gas dissolves easily and the water gas, the more it sparkles. Thus, St. Yorre has a strong natural sparkle after only gas source, without adding carbon dioxide.